The modern approach to IT hiring.
Do you have a challenging open position for a senior-level backend, front or embedded developer in Python, .NET, node.js, C/C++, or any other IT position? Does your internal HR provide non-matching candidates, is it taking too long? We are ready to present you with 3 or more suitable candidates in 2 weeks. Guaranteed.
Do you have a challenging open position for a senior-level backend, front or embedded developer in Python, .NET, node.js, C/C++, or any other IT position? Does your internal HR provide non-matching candidates, is it taking too long and the leads are becoming unhappy? We are ready to present you with 3 or more suitable candidates in 2 weeks. Guaranteed.

"Y-Recruiter" is not a recruitment agency, it is your HR lead with a researcher and an assistant for the whole duration of the recruitment cycle. We will prepare a job description if it’s not ready yet and start sourcing (we don’t really believe in the success of simple job posting - we immediately start an active search). In case you don’t have expertise in evaluating IT candidates within the company, we will сonnect you with an expert and organize a technical interview.
Yana Berlizeva
"I sincerely admire developers for their extraordinary outlook on things and straightforwardness. These are rare kind of people - creators and visualists, for whom "black" is "black" and "white" is "white", if the tasks are truly interesting to them, then you'll never find more motivated employees"
Y-Recruiter & Hudson Dorms 
Check out our recent hiring collaboration with Hudson Dorms - a housing solution for the most comfortable living off-campus experience in New Jersey. 

We talked with its passionate founder Mike Guglielmo about how the recruiting process went with us, the ups & downs we faced, and our future work together.
Our Reviews
  • Stan Bakailar
    (CEO at Woodenshark)
    "Yana's team has been successfully helping us with the recruitment of rare specialists since 2020. During this period of time, she found an industrial designer and sales director in the US, a Linux developer, and an embedded developer"
  • Mark Hilton
    (COO at AYRlabs)
    "For 4 years Yana was responsible for the firmware and software development for our product. The team was formed from scratch (20 people) and effectively delivered the expected result throughout the branch work"
  • Alina Ganova
    (CEO at GetAltos)

    "We had a great experience with Y-recruiter – they found us an iOS mobile developer, 2 UK-based potential PR journalists, and a Sales representative in the US, which was crucial for our product. We appreciate the professional approach and how fast Y-recruiter came back to us after receiving a brief with CV for review"

  • Andrew Kucherenko
    (CTO at Skyeng)
    "Our experience with Yana and her team was fantastic - she went above and beyond with finding us 2 Frontend Developers (Angular) and also a Team Lead for Mobile Development. They are very details oriented and fast with finding eligible candidates"
Check Out How We Work!
Pay Nothing Upfront.

Send us your job opening for a free review, and we'll provide you with feedback on how to enhance it for more responses. Experience our services with no initial cost and discover the difference in your recruitment process!
Why us?
  • Just cheaper
    We don't have an office, we don't have advertising expenses (probably our loss) and we have a team of 3 people. We can afford not to ask for 2 annual developer salaries for a closed position
  • Working until the offer is accepted
    We won't leave your vacancy halfway, because it is difficult or the requirements are unreachable, or already 3 offers have been rejected.
  • Start Fast
    After receiving the job description, we will start an active search within a week, and you will receive the first suitable candidates within 2 weeks
  • Complement your internal HR
    If you have internal HR who are actively looking for candidates for an open position - we can discuss how to increase the sourcing effectiveness, or we will become an HR department for you if you do not have one.
Our Numbers
Industres we worked with: consumer electronics, crypto, fintech, SW/FW development, IoT, housing rentals, etc
  • 2020
    Opened since
  • 43 days
    Avarage time to hire
  • 10 days
    Fastest time to offer
    (Senior Backend Dev)
  • Geography
    USA, Europe (Austria, Germany, Slovakia), Cyprus, Japan, UK
Hiring Experience
Here is the list of the positions that we successfully closed in the last year

Our approach
Approximate description of the cost and format of the work with us

The fixed post-pay payment for the full recruitment cycle, including the provision of unlimited number of candidates - until the position is closed

55 days
Average position closing time  
14 days
Average turnaround time for the first eligible candidate
Guaranteed position closure with an unlimited number of candidates and offers
Our Vacancies
To apply, please send your resume to yanaberliz@yrecruiter.com
Job Search Services
  • $100

    Soft and hard skills evaluation
    ● Format: 40 min video call in-depth interview;
    ● Included: summarised list of the recommendations + resources to develop soft skills.
  • $150

    Career Coaching
    ● Format: 40 min video call, where we’ll determine target companies, industries, suitable positions, locations, and compensation
    ● Included: PDF guide for future
  • $100

    Preparation for an interview
    ● Format: 30 min video call
    overviewing the company, position requirements, mock-up
    interviewing with potential
    questions from the company’s HR;
    ● Included: all the discussed
    information will be collected in the short memo to review before the actual interview.
  • $50

    Writing a cover letter.
  • $100

    CV review
    Format: We’ll review your current resume and prepare a list of recommendations for its improvement.
  • $150

    CV review + correction
    Format: Reviewing, providing a list of recommendations and a corrected version of the CV.
  • $300

    Jobs apply (your personal assistant) - 30/day for 3 weeks on common platforms (Linkedin, Indeed, etc)
  • Package deal

    We’ll provide complete support until you receive an offer with all the services above included.
    Extra add-ons: extended job search with extra resources (ZipRecruiter, Monster, Boolean search)
    Price: $350 pre-payment and 10% of one monthly salary
Meet Our Team
  • Yana Berlizeva
  • Arina Dix
    Technical Recruiter
  • Bella Chepaikina
    Head of Marketing & PR
  • Valerie Kislyakova
Our Contacts
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to communicate with our clients.


We are excited to help you find your missing puzzle!
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